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Prevention from Lifestyle Diseases through Yoga Asana (Part-8 Thyroid)

Introduction Yoga is one of the best thing that, India gifted to the humanity. Yoga have so many benefits that we have discussed in our previous articles. Yoga balances your energy level, helpful in your mental tension and increases your flexibility. Now, we will talk about how you can prevent yourself or cure your thyroid disease with the help of yoga. Several studies have shown that yoga is helpful in improving your thyroid disease (weather it is a Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism). Some Information on Thyroid disease Well, now-a-days, thyroid is very common in people across the world. The thyroid is a small gland in the body, specifically in throat which secrets hormones, these hormones help in maintaining metabolism, temperature and growth of the body. These hormones are also important for a child's brain development. Thyroid disease affect the patient's physical and mental health. This disease is more common in women than men.  Mainly thyroid disease are of two types: Hyp

Prevention from Lifestyle Diseases through Yoga Asana (Part-8 Thyroid)


Yoga is one of the best thing that, India gifted to the humanity. Yoga have so many benefits that we have discussed in our previous articles. Yoga balances your energy level, helpful in your mental tension and increases your flexibility. Now, we will talk about how you can prevent yourself or cure your thyroid disease with the help of yoga. Several studies have shown that yoga is helpful in improving your thyroid disease (weather it is a Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism).

Some Information on Thyroid disease

Well, now-a-days, thyroid is very common in people across the world. The thyroid is a small gland in the body, specifically in throat which secrets hormones, these hormones help in maintaining metabolism, temperature and growth of the body. These hormones are also important for a child's brain development. Thyroid disease affect the patient's physical and mental health. This disease is more common in women than men.

 Mainly thyroid disease are of two types:

  • Hyperthyroidism: This condition is occur, when your gland produces excessive quantity of thyroid hormone.
  • Hypothyroidism: This condition is occur when your Gland produces to less thyroid hormone.
However, I suggest that before starting your Yoga sessions first, you should consult your doctor and while doing these exercises you can continue your therapies or medications.

Role of Yoga Asana in Thyroid 

1) Sarvangasana: This asana is also known as "Queen of Asanas". The english name of this arsana is supported shoulder stand. In this asana, your whole body is balanced on your shoulders. Sarvangasana is most effective asana for your hormonal system. While doing this asana your blood circulation level will rise. This asana is one of the best asana for thyroid disease and highly beneficial for mental and physical health. In this asana the way your chin is tuck  into your chest, it tends to put pressure on your thyroid gland and helps in increasing the gland's efficiency.

Benefits of Sarvangasana:

  1. Helps in improving the functioning of your thyroid gland and helps in improving thyroid disease.
  2. Increase your flexibility.
  3. Strengthen your arms and shoulder muscles.
  4. Bring relief in condition of constipation and indigestion.
2) Bhujangasana:

For details see:-(Part-2 Obesity)

3) Ustrasana: The world 'Ustrasana' is originated from two Sanskrit words first one is 'Ustra' meaning 'Camel' and other is 'Asana' meaning 'Pose'. In English, it is known as 'Camel Pose'. Ustrasana is known as camel pose because of the back bending in this pose, look like the shape of a camel. This asana helps you in improving your thyroid health and prevent you from any disease.

Benefits of Ustrasana:

  1. This asana helps women in their menstrual discomfort.
  2. Helps in improving your thyroid condition.
  3. It improves your posture.
  4. It helps in your lower back pain.
5) Matsyasana:

For more details see:-(Part-3 Asthma)

6) Halasana: In English, This asana is known as 'Plow Pose'. 'Hal' means 'Plow' and 'Asana' means 'Posture'. Plow is a popular farming tool which is commonly used in Indian agriculture. This asana have various benefits for the people who suffer from Thyroid disease. This asana helps in the balance amount of secretion level of thyroid hormone. It strengthen your full body. This asana is very helpful for women during their menopose.

If you have any serious back problem then, avoid this asana, and pregnant women also avoid this asana.

Benefits of Halasana:

  1. It calms your nervous system.
  2. It improves your flexibility and strengthen your immune system.
  3. It is very helpful for women during their menopause.
  4. It is very effective asana in your thyroid disease.
6) Setu-bandhasana:

For more details see:-(Part-6 Cancer)

7) Dhanurasana: In English, it is known as 'Bow Pose'. The word Dhanurasana is the mixture of two Sanskrit words first one is 'Dhanush' means 'Bow' and another one is 'Asana' which means 'Pose'. Before practicing dhanurasana you have to perform some preparatory possess like 'Bhujangasana', 'Salabasana', 'Virasana'. After completing dhanurasana you can follow up other poses like 'Chakrasana', 'Ustrasana', 'Matsyasana' and etc.

Note: If you have some serious back injury so avoid doing this asana.

Benefits of Dhanurasana:

  1. Stretches your abdomen and chest.
  2. Beneficial in any kind of kidney disorder.
  3. Improves your flexibility.
  4. Relieves in menstrual discomfort and helpful in constipation problem.
If you find any kind of mistake, or the information is not correct. Please let me know in the comments.

Thank You 


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